Phare West Wine is a Wyoming-based wine brokerage introducing an evolving selection of authentic wines from near and far to the Old West.  

When it comes to wine, pleasure is paramount.  The wines in the portfolio are - first and foremost - delicious and balanced.  They are real wines crafted by real people.  Authenticity over artifice, always!

What's in a name?
Pronounced "far," phare is a French word that in its most literal sense translates to "lighthouse" or "beacon."  More metaphorically, it is someone or something that has considerable influence as a luminary or flagship model.  Vins phares are therefore enlightening wines!

We represent a variety of independent artisan producers and domaines with bottles for everyday to outré.  The wines in the portfolio don't necessarily prescribe to one prevailing winemaking philosophy. Each bottle is a unique representation of all the moving parts: terroir, varietal, culture, nature, and the ethos and practices of the vigneron.  Phare West Wine is proud to represent a vanguard of producers from near and far to introduce this selection of artisanal wine to the Wyoming market.

Phare West Wine was established in 2016 in Jackson Hole, Wyo. out of a desire to share the wines Brynn (a dedicated Francophile) is passionate about with the community she calls home.  Brynn first moved to Jackson in 2007, with an affinity for the Tetons and a degree in French Language and Literature. Since then, she has left the Jackson Hole Valley - and returned - several times in order to pursue her fascination with distinctive wines while working for independent importers in locales including the San Francisco Bay Area and Paris, France.

This wine journey has been a circuitous one, driven by curiosity, passion, work, study, and travel – the goal of which has been to bring it back home.  The wines in this portfolio reflect the myriad tastes and influences of those experiences along the way.